Saturday, May 26, 2012

SOAP 05/26/2012; Romans 7:16

Today's reading: Proverbs 1,2,3; Romans 7
S)"16 But if I do the very thing I do not want to do, I agree with the Law, confessing that the Law is good."
Romans 7:16 (NASB)
O) This is truly the mark of a child of God. Christians aren't perfect, that's not what it means to be born again. But, this verse highlights that, when we're reborn in Christ, we're suddenly in conflict with our sinful behavior. In this passage of verses (14-20), Paul is separating sinful acts from beliefs. He's clarifying that, as children of God, we know that sin is harmful and wrong, and that we need to resist temptation, and we agree with God's way being the right way. But it's still hard because our flesh is still sinful in its nature. So, then the fight and struggle to maintain purity (in all sin, not just sexual sin as that word is often used), that fight is the sign that we've been reborn. That internal struggle is not the evidence that we're not doing well - quite the opposite. The fact that sin feels... wrong... to our soul, that's evidence that God's work is still within us.
A) I am able to acknowledge that everything is a struggle of wills. Ultimately, because of free-will, everything I do is only because I want to do it. But, at the same time, I know that when temptations are in my face, I'm just not always thinking clearly. Ultimately, in those moments of failed temptation, I am conceding my fight for what feels good. I am mortgaging my life for my lusts (again, not just sexual). So, what am I to do with this? I need to continue to verbalize my confession that the Law is good. God's way is supremely, infinitely better than my way. I need to acknowledge that in everything I do. Keeping this truth in the forefront of my mind makes it impossible for me to be deceived in temptation by satan or my own flesh.
P) Father, Your holy ways are good. Your Law is good. Your will is life to me. Let me acknowledge these truths constantly and Holy Spirit, especially when I am facing temptation, remind me of these truths. Holy Spirit, give me warning when I will be facing particular temptation, by reminding me of the truth that is in this Word. Alert me and remind me, even before temptation comes my way. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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