Friday, October 7, 2011

SOAP 10/07/2011; Luke 20:4-8

Today's reading: Ezra 7,8; Luke 20

S) "4 'Was the baptism of John from heaven or from men?' 5 They reasoned among themselves, saying, 'If we say, "From heaven," He will say, "Why did you not believe him?" 6 But if we say, "From men," all the people will stone us to death, for they are convinced that John was a prophet.' 7 So they answered that they did not know where it came from. 8 And Jesus said to them, 'Nor will I tell you by what authority I do these things.'"
Luke 20:4-8 (NASB)

O) The world likes to pretend that Christianity is illogical. They like to pretend it makes no sense, it's juvenile, or for the weak-minded. The truth is, though, that they have as many unanswered questions as anyone else. They do not want to accept creationism or miracles, but they take theories as facts (the _ of evolution, the big bang _ ). It's important for Christians to acknowledge that some of our beliefs are built on faith, which cannot be proven; however, it's also important for Christians to have a thorough knowledge of why they believe the things they do.

A) I feel like sometimes, Christians think that critical-thinking is contrary to faith. I feel like sometimes Christians think their faith should be blind, or else it's not faith, or something. The term "blind faith" is almost a double-edged sword. My faith in the Bible, in God's divine intervention, and my relationship with Him, are all based on my experience; my faith is not blind. On the other hand, when I feel that God tells me to do something, I do not wait until I know why - I simply do it out of obedience; my faith is blind. It's almost to say that, my faith is built on the first-hand experience of God's manifested presence in my life, and with that faith I am able to follow God blindly, as needed. Just like a scientifically-minded atheist, I need to think critically about my beliefs, so that I am able to speak with conviction and education.

P) Father, continue to educate me through Your Word. Holy Spirit, continue to give me insight through prayer, speaking the knowledge and wisdom of God directly into my heart, according to your promise in 1 Corinthians 2. Father, I want to accurately convey Your compassion, love, mercy, and grace for the world, to the world. Thank You for giving all of Your people a spirit of boldness, and not timidity, according to 2 Timothy 1; help us act in that boldness. God, I ask that You'd pull on the hearts of Your people to pursue knowledge and wisdom, so that they can also accurately present Your Truth. Call on the teachers that You have gifted, and help them pursue the use of their gifts for the benefit of believers and to glorify Your Name, Lord. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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