Tuesday, December 13, 2016

SOAP 12/13/2016; Ezekiel 16:18-19

Today's reading: Hebrews 9, 10, 11*

S) "18 'Then you took your embroidered cloth and covered them, and offered My oil and My incense before them. 19 Also My bread which I gave you, fine flour, oil and honey with which I fed you, you would offer before them for a soothing aroma; so it happened,' declares the Lord GOD."

Ezekiel 16:18-19 (NASB)
*This verse was highlighted before I kept these entries online, so I wrote a new entry

O) This chapter begins with God reminding His people how graciously He has treated them, from first choosing them. As the chapter moves along, it progresses toward the adulterous idolatry of His people. In vv.16-17, God describes how His provision was used for harlotry, but when we get to the verses above, it takes a subtle shift. It is no longer only that the people have used what God gave them for this idolatry, but they are also now taking what belongs to God directly, and using it for idolatry. It was not just their clothes, jewels, gold, and silver which God had given them, but it was also His oil, His incense, and His bread. This passage is really a revelation of God's jealousy. He isn't jealous for His things, as if He so desired the oil, incense, and bread. He is jealous for His people. But, this shows that, not only had they betrayed His love, so as to turn away from Him and pursue idols, but they had betrayed His person, by also stealing from Him.

A) I could certainly take this passage as a warning, and I do, but more than that I take it as a reminder of how my idolatry (that is, the things I treat as gods in my heart), it hurts Him. My sins are a betrayal on a deep level with God. And, more often than not when I sin, I am using His provision as a means to sin. As it says in Romans 2:4, it is verses like this, which show the lovingkindness of God, and the pain my sins cause Him, that lead me to repentance, even more so than a warning of His wrath.

P) Father, forgive me for the idolatry of my heart. Forgive me for using Your blessings as a means for sinning against You. Forgive me for betraying, not only Your love, but Your person. Thank You for rescuing me, when I was helpless and dying. Thank You for blessing me, cleansing me, clothing me. Thank You for leading me by the hand, as the loving Father that You are, God. Let me dwell on Your love, Your character, Your compassion. Let me carefully, and prayerfully, consider how my sins hurt You, and hurt our relationship. Let me walk in repentance, seeking You more constantly throughout my days. Be glorified in my life. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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