Friday, September 2, 2016

SOAP 08/26/2016; 3 John 5-8

Today's reading: Jeremiah 50, 51; 3 John

S) "Beloved, you are acting faithfully in whatever you accomplish for the brethren, and especially when they are strangers; and they have testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God. For they went out for the sake of the Name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. Therefore we ought to support such men, so that we may be fellow workers with the truth."

3 John 5-8 (NASB)

O) John is making the point that supporting missionary work is participating in it. By missionary work, I don't only mean going to a foreign land of some kind, spreading the gospel and doing community work - all of which are very good and need support. However, I also mean that by supporting a brother's mission to do free auto repairs for widows and single moms, we are participating. By raising funds for a Youth Camp trip, we are participating. Whatever is accomplished for the brethren, giving time or money, raising awareness, providing hospitality, all of that support makes us fellow workers. It's noteworthy that John specifically says, "especially when they are strangers;" I think that takes the love-factor up a notch. It's easier to support a brother or sister we know well. Supporting a stranger, although he or she is in Christ with us, does take more faith and trust, sacrifice and love, and that glorifies God all the more.

A) Like so many passages of the New Testament that are instructive, the only way to apply this passage is indeed to do it. The most convicting portion of this passage, is certainly the command to "send them on their way in a manner worthy of God." To be clear, a ministry is not always "on its way" somewhere. Sometimes it's very much local, resident, or longstanding. The real point is that I should support my brothers and sisters in a way that is worthy of God. That means I will view their ministry as my ministry, seeking to help them serve God however I can, and by doing so, I will also be serving God. A lot of times, it can feel a little vague - what it is that God is "calling" us to do. However, many times it may be as simple as supporting others in causes and missions that they are already doing.

P) Father, thank You for the support I have received from the brethren, when I have been seeking to do work for You and they have seen it as opportunity to join me. As I approach this new phase of my life, being here in Montana, I don't want to wait around with nothing to do. How, exactly, my family and I will serve You is not yet clear. However, in the meantime I want to invest myself in the work of brothers and sisters who are already here and doing things for the Name. Help me to see the ministering work of others as opportunity for me to be a fellow worker, at least in supporting their work - whether it's financial, hospitable, volunteering, or otherwise. As we seek to build others up for Your glory, I pray that You do reveal to me and to Kristin, unified in the guidance of the Holy Spirit, what kind of ministry we should take up in Your name. I want to serve You, Lord. I am in fact Your servant. Use me however You wish, Lord. Until I have a clear understanding of what that is, help me to be diligent and faithful, supporting my brothers and sisters in their calling, as they already know. Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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