Sunday, August 7, 2016

SOAP 08/07/2016; John 9:3

Today's reading: Zephaniah 1, 2, 3; John 9

S) "Jesus answered, 'It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him.'"

John 9:3 (NASB)

O) This story, of a man who was born blind and then healed by Jesus, is compelling throughout. Even from the beginning of its telling, there are a few deep-seeded and difficult truths to pull out of it. In the previous verse, Jesus was asked who sinned, the man or his parents, that he would be blind. On the surface, there are implications that our sin causes malities. While that is sometimes true (which is evidence that our call to holy righteous living is for our good), the answer Jesus gives right from the start, prevents this line of thinking. Our own sins are not always the cause of our own sickness, calamity, or trial. The prosperity of the wicked is evidence enough for that. However, the explanation Jesus gives, true to His character, answers the deeper question of the heart, that these men were really seeking. Why is there suffering. So often, I hear people say that there is suffering in the world because it is broken, fallen, and full of sin. While we can point to some factors as sin, that's really answering the question of how, not the question of why. That is a much bigger, and more difficult, question. But, Jesus gives a fairly simple answer, even if it is not an easy one. This man was suffering, that God may receive glory through him. That is ultimately the reason God allows suffering.

A) Someone recently told me that we can't really appreciate a mountaintop, unless we've been in its valley. There is some relevant truth to that. The suffering I have experienced, to whatever relative degree it is, has helped me understand God's love, healing, provision, grace, and mercy. Even right now, I am very lonely. I've been apart from my family for four weeks, and I've just heard this morning that our reuniting may be delayed again. I could wonder why, and blame a sinful fallen world. I could search within myself, to reflect on sins and try to find a cause there. But that's really a fool's errand. God may very well have additional purposes for our temporary separation, but I do know that one thing He wants, is for my wife and me to seek Him during this time. The works of God might be displayed in us, and we can glorify Him in this trial. Like a rebellious child, I can kick and scream, throw a fit, and complain how it's not fair. But, I am not a child anymore. I can plainly see, that I don't want what's "fair" because that would mean I would be punished for my own sins, instead of Jesus dying on the cross. Life is unfair, but it has been in my favor. In Christ, I am longing to be mature. I want to be together with my family again, and I pray and ask that. However, I confess that I don't have all the facts. I confess that I want what God wants, because I trust His goodness. The disappointments I've experienced so far, with these delays, they could be blamed on any number of circumstantial things. However, those things do not stand in the way of my sovereign Father in heaven. I am dedicated to praying for His will to be done. So, if He wants us to be apart awhile longer, it is for His purpose. At the very least, I know that purpose is for His glory, that His works may be displayed in us.

P) Father, You are holy and good. You are wise beyond measure, and sovereign and omnipotent. I want what You want, God. I humbly ask for You to bring my family to me. Let it be according to Your way, and Your timing. Pave the way, sell the condo in Washington, let us find a home here. Bring my family quickly and safely, Lord, please. I don't want to force things, though. I never want to take matters upon myself, to try and bring things about on my own. All along the way, I prayed for Your will alone, to be done. I remain dedicated to that, in humble submission as Your servant, Lord. So please, let Your will be done. As I wait, please lead me and show me what Yiu would have me do to glorify Your name. I want Your will, not only for my family coming, but for my waiting. I want to wait upon You, and not just for them. Let Your works be displayed in us, that Yiu would receive all the glory and honor. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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