Monday, June 22, 2015

SOAP 06/22/2015; Psalm 35:13-14

Today's reading: Psalm 35

S ) "13 But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth;
I humbled my soul with fasting,
And my prayer kept returning to my bosom.
14 I went about as though it were my friend or brother;
I bowed down mourning, as one who sorrows for a mother.

Psalm 35:13-14 (NASB)

O) In the context of the rest of this psalm, the people for whom David was fasting and praying, were actually people who had turned against him. David brought up his treatment of these unnamed people in contrast to their treatment of him, and he did it in the past tense (when they were sick...). That is, he may not have continued those prayers and fasting, once these people betrayed him. Also, this is another example of a biblical reason to fast (while praying for the sick to recover). The most curious part of this verse, is the last line. There are footnotes, relating this to Matthew 10:13 and Luke 10:6, but I'm not sure those exactly align. In the following verse, David mentions that he bowed himself in morning, as if these people were his own brothers or sisters. This doesn't seem to suggest that he stopped praying and fasting for them (with his prayers returning to him). Without the footnotes, the words seem to suggest that his prayers simply were not effective. There were many times that David would inquire of the LORD and God would answer him. In this verse, I think he simply means that his requests of God were not being granted (maybe because God knew these people to be enemies of David), but that didn't seem to stop David from continuing to pray (which is what vv.13 and 14 seem to convey together).

A) Like David, when I am praying for people who are sick, I should consider fasting for them as well. When I'm praying for people, I should consider them like family. These people turned out to be against David, and it's entirely possible he continued to pray for their healing, but it seems unlikely when we read the entire psalm. However, the New Testament instructs many times, that I am to pray for my enemies. Praying for their healing seems to take that mercy to a new level. It is even stronger mercy, greater grace, to consider my enemies like family while I pray for them. This is a level of compassion only possible through the work of the Holy Spirit within me. When someone is sick, whether enemy or friend, it could be that God wants to heal them. This is why it is crucial for me to continually seek, and pray for, God's will to be done.

P) Father, Your plans are often hidden from me, if they are not altogether too lofty for me to perceive. Give me the wisdom, to continue seeking and praying for Your will to be done. Open my eyes and ears, to know when You want me to pray for the sick, and fast for them as well. Continue to work change in me, to be compassionate to everyone, even my enemies. Help me to consider the power of the gospel in my own life, so that I can see more clearly how others need the gospel to save them, even if they were my enemy. Let Your will be done. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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