Monday, January 26, 2015

SOAP 01/26/2015; Genesis 42:28

Today's reading: Genesis 42

S) "28 Then he said to his brothers, 'My money has been returned, and behold, it is even in my sack.' And their hearts sank, and they turned trembling to one another, saying, 'What is this that God has done to us?'"

Genesis 42:28 (NASB)

O) There was a severe famine in the region, including both Egypt and Canaan, but God prepared Joseph for it. In fact, this was the reason Joseph was elevated to the position he held (second only to Pharaoh). Because of the famine, ten of Israel's sons went to Egypt to buy grain, leaving Benjamin at home. Joseph desired to see all eleven of his brothers at once (and his father, for that matter), so he feigned suspicion of treachery. He allowed 9 of the sons to buy grain and return, but holds Simeon hostage. He instructed them to return home with the grain they purchased, get Benjamin, and then return to get Simeon. Only then would he believe they were not spies. As the brothers were leaving, one of them discovers the money he spent on grain was returned in his sack, and indeed all of their money was returned to them with their grain (see v.35). What is particularly telling, is the reaction they have to finding this money. They were right, to believe God's sovereign hand was at work in their circumstances, but they allowed their other hardships to skew their view of our gracious God. Because they thought they were in trouble with Pharaoh, and because they knew they were guilty for their treachery against Joseph, they assumed the worst about the LORD. Make no mistake: they deserved punishment for their treatment of Joseph. God intended to bless them, though.

A) My understanding of who God is cannot be swayed by my perception of my own circumstances. I must rely solely on the Word of God, to determine His character. Receiving their money back could easily have been seen as a blessing from the LORD, and had they sought God they might have learned the truth about their brother. As it was, they were unnecessarily anxious. This is a lesson in confession, prayer, and study of the Bible. If my study of the Bible informs my view of God, then I will also pray for direction in times of stress and times of blessings. If I am confessing my sins, and repenting, then I will be freed from guilt and shame will not affect my ability to correctly perceive my circumstances.

P) Father, I don't want the circumstances of my life to alter my understanding of who You are. You have been so faithful and good, that I should never let any hardship threaten my certainty of Your lovingkindness, patience, grace, mercy, or love. You are unfailingly good to Your servant. Let my mind be constantly in a place, that I understand Your glory is at stake in every moment of my life. Whether there are misunderstandings at work, or disagreements at church, or sickness at home, You can be glorified through all of my life's circumstances. As the Lord my GOD, You deserve glory, regardless of my circumstances. I never want to misunderstand Your blessings, growing wrongly suspicious of Your gifts. Sometimes Your grace feels incredible, but You have proven Yourself constantly credible. When I struggle to see Your grace in a part of my life, let me dig into the Bible with fervor, remembering that it holds all of the truth I could ever need, in knowing Your faithfulness to me. Be glorified in my life, and let Your will be done. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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