Wednesday, July 16, 2014

SOAP 07/16/2014; Isaiah 26:12

Today's reading: Isaiah 25, 26, 27, 28; Hebrews 13

S) "12 Lord, You will establish peace for us,
Since You have also performed for us all our works."

Isaiah 26:12 (NASB)

O) This just became a new favorite verse for me. This is in the middle of a song, that Isaiah proclaims will be sung in the land of Judah (see v.1), proclaiming trust in the LORD as He is victorious over His enemies (see vv.4-5, for example). And, while the chapter mentions the protection and provision of righteous people a few times, this verse stands out because it links two very, very important things: righteousness and grace. This verse lays to rest, the idea that we can somehow attain righteousness, and therefore earn peace with God. On the contrary, it is because of the actions of the LORD, that peace is established, and it is done so by His performance, not ours. Namely, it is because of the work done on the cross, and at the resurrection, of Jesus Christ (see 1 Corinthians 1:30). This verse links two time periods by the same grace, because even before Jesus came, God chose His people - grace. And after Jesus came, even Jesus Himself reminds us that He chose us, and not the other way around - grace (see John 15:16). God's plan, even from the beginning, was to offer grace, and to do the righteousness-establishing, peace-establishing work for us.

A) The first thing to remember, is that this verse is about peace between us and God. There will still be struggles, strife, trials, and conflicts in life. We will not always have peace with others, or peace with the world. However, having peace with God establishes peace within, removes fears, and allows us to work through our life with joy and faith and hope. Another thing to remember from this verse, is that I cannot do anything to establish peace between myself and God, particularly after sin has created separation. God knows now, just as He has always known, that I will sin. He knew that, and yet sent Jesus in my place. For me to try and atone for my sins, is for me to dishonor that substitution. I think the last thing to do, in light of this verse, is to honor God by living out this truth by example. One of the biggest criticisms I hear about Christianity, is that we are "self-righteous," but that couldn't be further from the truth. By humbly and openly admitting that I do not have it all together, and that I am not perfect, I can try to change the perception one encounter at a time, and show others that having peace with God is not about some work that they'll have to do, because He already did it.

P) Father, thank You for the eternal grace that You established. Thank You for the love You have shown to Your servant. Thank You for the mercy I receive, because of the work Jesus did in taking my place. Help me to walk out this truth, sincerely showing Your grace to those around me. Keep me humble, so that my life can be used to spread the news of Your plan for redemption. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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