Sunday, June 29, 2014

SOAP 06/29/2014; Psalm 87:2

Today's reading: Amos 4, 5, 6; Psalm 86, 87; Titus 1

S) "The Lord loves the gates of Zion
More than all the other dwelling places of Jacob."

Psalm 87:2 (NASB)

O) This whole psalm is about how it is considered a privilege to have been born in Zion (Jerusalem), and that's really because of this verse. When David ascended the throne, it was initially in Hebron, not Zion, and he reigned in Hebron for several years until he conquered Jerusalem (see 2 Samuel 5). But, it really wasn't until he moved the ark of the covenant there, that Jerusalem was truly considered blessed, because the LORD chose to dwell in Zion instead of going "from tent to tent" (see 1 Chronicles 17), and that, then, is what shows He loves it so much more than anywhere else the Israelites lived.

A) The context is in the idea that God loves the place where He resides. So, when I read later, after Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to us, that our bodies are the temple of God (see 1 Corinthians 6:19), it should remind me that I share the same favor that Zion itself had. I am blessed and honored that God would choose to dwell within me! I am blessed and highly favored! As many verses as have been written about the LORD loving Zion, could have been written about the LORD loving me (or anyone who has the Holy Spirit within them).

P) Father, thank You for the grace You gave from the very beginning of time. I am so limited in my ability to comprehend Your love, but I pray You continue to reveal it to me, as much as I can understand, according to Your will. Give me the confidence of knowing that Your affection toward me is the same as Your affection for Zion, the holy city about which so many songs were written. Thank You for that amazing love. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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