Tuesday, May 27, 2014

SOAP 05/27/2014; Proverbs 4:23

Today's reading: Proverbs 4, 5, 6; Romans 8

S) "23 Watch over your heart with all diligence,
For from it flow the springs of life."

Proverbs 4:23 (NASB)

O) Every issue is a heart issue. By understanding our own heart, we can more easily identify the root of a problem, and what it takes to change. The problem, though, is that God sees the heart of a man, while we only see the outside (see 1 Sam. 16:7). So, it's not just the solution that requires God's hand (changing us), but we need His help just to identify a problem.

A) When my kids are tired, they get cranky. That is a poor excuse for bad behavior, but a good reason. I tell my kids when they are tired and cranky, so that they are aware. I tell them that, knowing they are cranky helps them know they need to be careful to be respectful, polite, thankful, etc. Knowing what they're up against makes it easier to behave, because they have a better understanding of what it will take that day. Understanding my own heart is the same way. Just because I have a wound in my heart over a particular circumstance, does not excuse anger, but it makes it more clear what I need to do to be freed from that anger. So, my awareness of my heart is not enough. However, not understanding my own heart makes things nigh impossible.

P) Father, shed light on my heart for me. Help me know what You know, according to Your will, so that I can understand what needs to change in my heart. I want to be humbly submitted to You in every way. I know that there are sometimes areas in my heart that I hold back from You, but in humility, I want to give it all away. Help me change my heart, to be fully submitted to Your sovereignty. Show me where my heart must change, and give me the strength and courage to give it to You. Thank You for the life You give me, for the Holy Spirit within me. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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