Sunday, May 25, 2014

SOAP 05/25/2014; 2 Chronicles 9:7

Today's reading: 1 Kings 10, 11; 2 Chronicles 9; Romans 6

S) "How blessed are your men, how blessed are these your servants who stand before you continually and hear your wisdom."

2 Chronicles 9:7 (NASB)

O) These are the words of the queen of Sheba, when she was visiting Solomon in his splendor. Overwhelmed by his wealth, organization, architecture, and wisdom, she confesses that the reports of Solomon's greatness didn't even tell the half of it. It results in her praise of the LORD in v.8, too, which is always a goal of our efforts on earth. But the above verse is really the one that jumped out at me, because it really drew me in, and made me think about being one of those servants.

A) Reading the Bible everyday is, without a doubt, the best thing I can possibly read every day. This verse had me thinking, though, about how much I actually pursue wisdom from other people. We have a lot of the writings of Solomon in the Bible today (most notably Proverbs), but it's still only a fraction of what he said in the totality of his life. In other words, his servants heard much more. I'm not suggesting that there is "better" wisdom to be found outside the Bible, or even that there is "more" wisdom, but I know that there is other wisdom. There is wisdom to be found that is still in harmony with the Bible, because it still comes from the Bible, or is about the Bible, or is simply still from God, and therefore does not contradict the Bible in any way. That is the wisdom I should pursue, in addition to the Bible (certainly never in place of the Bible).

P) Father, thank You for the Bible. And thank You also, for giving men and women wisdom that advances our understanding of You, and the Word, and Your world around us. Give me thirst for wisdom, Lord. I want to hear wisdom continually, as a blessed servant of Solomon did. Open my eyes to see, and my ears to hear, so that I can perceive Your wisdom in other places, in addition to Scripture, but never instead of Scripture. Please give me discernment, and a clear mind and heart, to know what is from You, and what is deception. May I cling to Your truth, wherever it is found. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.

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