Sunday, June 17, 2012

SOAP 06/17/2012; Colossians 3:21

Today's reading: 1 Kings 20,21; 2 Chronicles 17; Colossians 3
S) "21 Fathers, do not exasperate your children, so that they will not lose heart."
Colossians 3:21 (NASB)
O) Today is Father's Day, and how fitting is it that this verse is in today's reading? This verse is pretty simple in its instruction, but it's pretty deep in its implications. One thing that stands out is that it doesn't say anything about mothers exasperating their children. As I look around at various families I know, almost exclusively, it's the fathers who tend to push their kids. Whether taking a joke too far, hurting feelings, or pushing a discussion too long, creating bitterness, or some other form of a father not letting up.
A) Exasperating can mean a number of things, but ultimately, I need to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit, so that I am not taking anything further than I should. In discipline, I need to set the tone and culture of our family, showing my children what is, and what is not, right for a child of God, but I need to balance that by showing the grace and mercy of the Father as well. In jest, I need to show my children the value of laughter and a lighter side of life, but I need to balance that with compassion and empathy, to show them the heart of the Father. In the end, I need to remember that fatherhood is not about me being a father, it's about them being children.
P) Father, You are perfect in Your fatherhood. Shape me to be the father I am to be in You, so that my children grow up and realize that a relationship with You is already familiar and normal and comforting, because my relationship with them was a reflection of that. Holy Spirit, lead me in all things pertaining to righteous fatherhood. Bless my children to know You through me. Open their eyes to see and their ears to hear so that they identify their Father in heaven, through His vessel, their father on earth. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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