Sunday, January 15, 2012

SOAP 01/14/2012; Genesis 34:18-19

Today's reading: Genesis 34,35,36; Luke 14

S)"18 Now their words seemed reasonable to Hamor and Shechem, Hamor’s son. 19 The young man did not delay to do the thing, because he was delighted with Jacob’s daughter. Now he was more respected than all the household of his father."

Genesis 34:18-19 (NASB)

O) In church this month, pastor Stephen is preaching on the importance of good leadership. This story, and these verses, serve as a truly cautionary tale. First of all, Shechem (the son), was a perpetrator of a violent crime. That's bad enough when you consider that "he was more respected than all the household of his father." But then, the decisions he made after his crime...? The entire city paid for that mistake. He was blinded by his lust and led his entire city to their demise. The men of the city followed his lead by his example, for they also thought the daughters of Israel were attractive... this is corruption leading corruption. This is the blind leading the blind. It does not end well.

A) It is my responsibility to my family, to be sure I am blinded by nothing. I need to ensure that I am following the lead of other righteous men (not any poor examples like Shechem's dad). I need to protect my own purity. I need to make decisions carefully and not capriciously. On the flip-side, I need to be careful who I am following. I need to be sure they are doing what I described above. Ultimately, I need to ensure that the line of leadership begins with Christ, goes through me, and then through the people behind me. It's like the 116 Clique says, "Who I follow's who they follow when they follow me."

P) Father, clear my heart and clear my eyes, God. Lead me in purity and give me wisdom to know Your will in every decision I face. Help me hear and accept wise counsel and apply what I receive. Holy Spirit, give me discernment and speak to me the Father's instruction and direction. Help me become a more effective leader for my marriage, my kids, and any other ministries I ever have. Let them follow me, following You. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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