Monday, October 10, 2011

SOAP 10/10/2011; Nehemiah 4:14-15

Today's reading: Nehemiah 3,4; Luke 23

S) "14 When I saw their fear, I rose and spoke to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people: “Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses. 15 When our enemies heard that it was known to us, and that God had frustrated their plan, then all of us returned to the wall, each one to his work."

Nehemiah 4:14-15 (NASB)

O) Reading Nehemiah always reminds me of Facing the Giants, but today I was also reminded that G.I. JOE was right, knowing is half the battle! Simply being aware of who our enemy is, and how he is working against us, goes a long, long way. satan is very subversive and it can be difficult to realize when we are being fed a lie in our own head. Once we identify where the enemy is attacking, we can then pray for specific help and when God fights our battle for us, we will win, and we can get back to the work at hand.

A) I personally don't like it when Christians blame everything on the devil. I got a flat tire? Probably wasn't the devil, so much as I've been driving on the same tires for 90,000 miles! My finances are a wreck? Probably not satan, so much as I've been irresponsible. But, how do we see satan working against people in the Bible? Most often, it's words. he's feeding lies to people, trying to turn their hearts. If I'm inexplicably angry, or anxious, or I suddenly feel like my wife hates me, or I've failed as a parent... these are all the ways satan attacks the mind and heart. So, I need to be aware of my spiritual condition, I need to be communicating with the Holy Spirit, and actively listening for what God is saying throughout my day, so that I can easily identify where we need to attack. Then I can get back to more productive things.

P) Father, I know that we don't battle in flesh and blood, but in the spiritual relm, just as the Word says in Ephesians. Holy Spirit, speak to me throughout my day and help me identify where and how I'm being attacked. Prompt me to faithful, consistent prayer, so that I can fight for my wife and children and home. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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