Monday, October 3, 2011

SOAP 10/03/2011; Luke 16:29-31

Today's reading: Ezra 5,6; Psalm 138; Luke 16

S)"29 'But Abraham *said, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.' 30 But he said, 'No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent!' 31 But he said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.'"
Luke 16:29-31 (NASB)

O) This is taken from the story Jesus tells about a rich man named who died and was in Hades, awaiting judgement, while a beggar that he knew, named Lazarus, was on the opposite side of a chasm walking with Abraham. After being told that he was doomed, the rich man pleads with Abraham. The last verse is why I quoted the passage. It's scary, but true, that some people simply will not believe and obey God, regardless of what kind of miracles they witness. It's scary, because that means there are lots of people who will simply never submit to God, regardless of the evidence presented, and they will doom themselves to hell for their stubborn disbelief.

A) There are really only two ways this applies in my life. First, I need to constantly check my faith. I need to keep my mind on God's salvation, and humbly remember the miracles I've seen in my life. Second, I need to be a good witness to the hand of God moving in my life. While I'm bearing witness to His goodness, and the fact that He lives, and the fact that heaven and hell are real outcomes, I need to remember that there are, unfortunately, unwinnable battles. I've said it before, failure shouldn't stop me from trying, but I should be aware of the fruit that is, or is not, coming from my work.

P) Father, soften the hearts of those around me. Strengthen me, Lord, to be a bold witness to Your work in my life. As I proclaim Your goodness, and praise Your Name, please bless that seed of truth that I'm planting in people. Holy Spirit, water that seed to see it grow and bear fruit in people's lives. Lead me, Holy Spirit, to know when to press on, and when to move on. Let me never give up hope, and never stop proclaiming Your salvation. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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